Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Final!

Repost from The One Post

A. What did you do well this year during Computer Applications?
      I did multiple things well. I did almost all of my assignments, and did not disrupt the class. Even when people would pester me, I would not disturb the class. I also did many jobs well. When my account went down, I was sent out on assignments, and I made sure not to disappoint anyone, and did every job as I could. I then made sure to get the account put back up, and then did the assignments that I had to do.
B. What could you have done better?
      I could have payed more attention. As the year went on, my attention span in the class slipped, as I got more bored and impatient with the class. I should have listened and my assignments would have been better if I had payed attention. The largest problem was that I had to tune everyone out with my ipod, because they would constantly harass me, and in doing so I blocked out the entire class.
C. What did you learn?
I learned about certain applications in the class. While my knowledge of Google products, powerpoint, and Microsoft Word did not change, I learned a lot about photoshop, having only done layering and coloring before the application was deleted from my computer. I also learned a lot about MS Publisher, which I hadn't even heard of before this class. I also learned a bit about cover letters and excel.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Re: 100 Posts

Out of the year, I would rank my performance in the class at a high A to a low B, depending on the time of year. At the start, when my account got back up, I consider my work done then to be at a low A, as I did what I had to do to get my grade back up. The stuff at the middle of the semester is the best, as I did the assignments quite well and turned them in. But by the end of the year, the quality of my work slipped and I began turning in assignments later. This is mostly due to a loss in patience. But if I were to compile all my scores into one single number, I would declare it a 94/100.

The Final Reflection

What did I learn from this class? 

I learned a good deal about Photoshop.
I knew a bit about photoshop before I entered the class, but when I got my computer updated the program was erased. So, I learned the bulk of my knowledge from this class. Besides layering and coloring, I learned everything in class.

I learned how to use new features in Microsoft Excel.
Like photoshop, my knowledge of this application was limited. I did know more about it than photoshop, though. I discovered multiple ways of using equations and such in class that I did not know about before.

I learned how to use Microsoft Publisher.
I had never heard of Microsoft Publisher before this class, so everything I did with it was new as compared with the previous two applications. The application is simple and easy to use, and I did learn from it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Time Tracker Reflection

This is the reflection of the time tracker that I made.

What are three things you did well with your time tracker?
1. I kept track of the time for the most part.
2. I made sure to update it whenever I could.
3. I kept the time tracker in an easy-to-reach spot in my documents.

What are three things you could have done better with the time tracker?

1. I could have updated it daily instead of every couple of days.
2. I could have done the format differently, using a more efficient or better laid out plan.
3. I could have put more detail in.

What are three things you learned while doing the time tracker?

1. I learned how to track time during class.
2. I learned that, according to the tracker, I'm either lazy or very fast at my assignments.
3. I learned that the Wednesday block really was as pointless as I previously thought.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Here is the survey I made last week. It's about the class and is directed at the students.

What do you think of this class?

Reflection 5: Block Schedule

What do you like about Block Schedules?
The block schedule's main advantage for me was waking up later on Wednesdays and getting out at lunch on Tuesday. I liked it when I spent more time in my favorite classes. I did prefer it for science class and AP Euro, because there was more time in class for labs and work, but for math and french the class would drag on and never end.

What would you improve about Block Schedules?
There's not much to improve. The schedule is set at the best possible configuration for block schedule, as it there were three days it would throw the weeks off, and if there were 4 days it would become far too dull. The way the schedule is lined up within the day itself is fine too, as it isn't too similar to normal schedule, but is similar enough so that it doesn't disrupt the flow of the day. There aren't many changes that can be made.

What did you learn by having Block Schedules?
The block schedule made me approach school in a different way. At Sinaloa, my middle school, the schedule would change differently, making it a bit harder to go to each class. Now, the block acts n a much different way than the mixing schedule. I prefer it.

Friday, May 13, 2011