Friday, December 10, 2010

Reflection 3: The End of the Year

This is the final reflection before the final exam at the final part of the year.

1. I did a lot of things well. Like last reflection, I made sure that I did all of the assignments to the best I could do. Since the start of the year, I've tried to follow the directions I've been given, even it nobody else does. One assignment that I did well was the blog in general. I got all of the posts needed, and finished all of the small assignments I had to. The most important assignment that I want to mention is the Piclits. During the time Mr. Farely was out, I did my work when not one other person did. I finished the work and had it ready, only to find out that the rest of my group needed to have their own project on their blogs. They put together a very brief and lousy project, and I got it on half the blogs. Then, when that failed, I cleared it from everyone's blog and put the one I had done up on everyone else's. This was a mess, but because I decided to take charge, I got the project in. 

2. Again, like last time, I just could not work together well. At the start of the year, nobody that I tried to work with seemed willing to help, with some rare exceptions (Connor and Sam). But it was still my fault for not being more outreaching, but when I tried to be, it still didn't quite work. 

3. This year, I learned quite a bit. I learned about the blogger, about Microsoft word, and about the basic goals of computer applications. I learned how computers make an impact in this world, and how important they are. As for the Piclits, I learned quite a bit from the experience. For one, it confirmed my fears from the start that as the only nerd in the class, I'd do all the work and the others would leech off of me. It also made me realize that nobody in this class takes it seriously at all. If I was the only one who actually could be bothered to do something when there was a nice big fat 500 point assignment on the line, then I think that that shows something about the motivations of the others in this class.  The project was not even close to hard, yet the group made it hard.  So hey, it was at least a good learning experience.

Finally, let's close the year with the piclit.

PicLit from

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