Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Excel, Part 1

Microsoft Excel, with the schedule and the like. Questions: 

How should the form look? 
The form will have date on the left, then will show the time the work started, ended, and the total. The final column will show how much time was done in the week, with the time from the previous days added on.

What categories should be included? 
The categories should be date, time the work started, time the work ended, total time of work for the day, total time of work for the week.

How will you track your time?
I use the computer clock or my watch. For example, today I started working at 1:12. I plan to finish working at about 2:20. Whenever I am about t finish, I chronicle the time in the sheet.

How can you be accurate?
I put in the starting time and the ending time when I start and end.

What are the obstacles to being honest and accurate?
It's more difficult that merely sitting around, making up times.

Is this difficult?
No. It's merely annoying.

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