Sunday, October 17, 2010

The History of Microsoft Word

            Word began in 1983 as Multi-tool Word. When Microsoft Office formed in 1984, Word became a part of it. Word quickly became quite popular, and in 1987 started a Mac Line as part of their Word 3.0 series. Before long, Word had taken over as the default worked processing unit, beating out Apple’s Macwrite.
            In 1993, after the wildly successful Word 5.1, Word had gained permanent power. After the embarrassing 6.0 release, Word began to make consistent models, starting with Word 97.  Word 98 was released the following year, complete with Clippie, the lovable little helper that was killed off the following year. The 2000 model was Y2K proof, and following that came a string of similar models. Word 07 was the real changing model. It modified the format and shortcuts, and was much more. Word 08 is the current model for macs, while Word 2010 is the current model for the PC.

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