Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Impact of Microsoft Word

Since its breakthrough in 1984, Microsoft Word has ruled the industry of Word Processors. Out of all the word processors, Word has the most users and has maintained its power for over twenty years. As a result, the power of Word is simply epic. With Word, people can easily type essays, novels, and anything they want. They can upload it to the Internet or publish it. They can copy, they can fax, and they can work efficiently.
         Microsoft Word is the word processor. It’s the one that made much of this revolutionary technology happen. Before Word, word processors were like computer typewriters. They could delete, print, and did work, but not well. Word was just one of dozens of word processors at the time, but it’s the only one that’s stuck. It took the ideas from other word processors and turned them into the best word processor. Without Word, the world of the word processor would be very different.

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