Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reflection 4: The Winter Grading Period

• I did several assignments well.
• I made sure to get my account reactivated.
• I had a very good conversation about expectations.

• I didn't go to the district office as soon as I should have.
• I never did finish all of my assignments.
• I could've done more during the time that I was left without an account.

• I learned a little about MS Publisher during this time
• the general expectations of the class.
• Besides one intelligent conversation, I learned almost nothing new that I didn't already know, mostly due to my dead NUSD account.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MS Publisher

These are the three projects that I've done for MS publisher.

Project 1: Business card

Project 2: Greeting Card

Project 3: Newsletter


These are the expectations that I have for myself.

1. I expect myself to do well in school and act as an intelligent person.
2. My friends expect me to do two things. One group expect me to be the quiet kid, and the other group expects me to have very thoughtful discussions.
3. My family expects me to be thoughtful and independent.

These are the reversed expectations for myself.

1. To go against my expectations, I would bomb all my work and not try, do drugs, and not have any intelligence.
2. My friends would see me as the loud obnoxious kid who is extremely popular, while never uttering anything more intelligent that something pond scum could come up with.
3. My family would see me going out every night to party and disobeying absolutely everything they say.

Second Semester Starting Assignment, parts 1-4

Second Semester Assignment

Part 1 - Gmail account √

Part 2 - Follow Blog √

Part 3 - Invitation

Part 4 - Organize Email √

Thursday, February 3, 2011

25 Years Ago(Would be Posted on January 28)

25 years ago to January 28, the Challenger Shuttle broke up and fell into the ocean, killing all members on board. The Challenger disaster had huge impacts on the space industry, such as scaring away potential explorers, freezing NASA's shuttle program for well over a year, and stopping space exploration for over a year.
        The computers used were the primitive 1980s computers which were unable to handle everything that it was given. The computers still did their job, as the main factor that led to the breakup was the O-ring, which fell apart when the shuttle took off.
       Since then, computers have gotten much more advanced, and the next major disaster in space, Columbia, happened due to a foam-seam issue, not a computer issue. 25 years before Challenger, computers were very, very primitive, and they were barely strong enough during Apollo.

TED talk video

This is the video from the TED talk.

1. Comp. Apps is related to math because programming skills require a lot of math.
2. Comp. Apps is related to math because computers must act like calculators.
3. Comp. apps is related to math because mathematics and statistics are used daily on the Internet.
4. From the video, I learned that mathematics has a lot less to do with calculating than I previously thought.