Thursday, February 3, 2011

25 Years Ago(Would be Posted on January 28)

25 years ago to January 28, the Challenger Shuttle broke up and fell into the ocean, killing all members on board. The Challenger disaster had huge impacts on the space industry, such as scaring away potential explorers, freezing NASA's shuttle program for well over a year, and stopping space exploration for over a year.
        The computers used were the primitive 1980s computers which were unable to handle everything that it was given. The computers still did their job, as the main factor that led to the breakup was the O-ring, which fell apart when the shuttle took off.
       Since then, computers have gotten much more advanced, and the next major disaster in space, Columbia, happened due to a foam-seam issue, not a computer issue. 25 years before Challenger, computers were very, very primitive, and they were barely strong enough during Apollo.

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