Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Final Reflection

What did I learn from this class? 

I learned a good deal about Photoshop.
I knew a bit about photoshop before I entered the class, but when I got my computer updated the program was erased. So, I learned the bulk of my knowledge from this class. Besides layering and coloring, I learned everything in class.

I learned how to use new features in Microsoft Excel.
Like photoshop, my knowledge of this application was limited. I did know more about it than photoshop, though. I discovered multiple ways of using equations and such in class that I did not know about before.

I learned how to use Microsoft Publisher.
I had never heard of Microsoft Publisher before this class, so everything I did with it was new as compared with the previous two applications. The application is simple and easy to use, and I did learn from it.

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