Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Final!

Repost from The One Post

A. What did you do well this year during Computer Applications?
      I did multiple things well. I did almost all of my assignments, and did not disrupt the class. Even when people would pester me, I would not disturb the class. I also did many jobs well. When my account went down, I was sent out on assignments, and I made sure not to disappoint anyone, and did every job as I could. I then made sure to get the account put back up, and then did the assignments that I had to do.
B. What could you have done better?
      I could have payed more attention. As the year went on, my attention span in the class slipped, as I got more bored and impatient with the class. I should have listened and my assignments would have been better if I had payed attention. The largest problem was that I had to tune everyone out with my ipod, because they would constantly harass me, and in doing so I blocked out the entire class.
C. What did you learn?
I learned about certain applications in the class. While my knowledge of Google products, powerpoint, and Microsoft Word did not change, I learned a lot about photoshop, having only done layering and coloring before the application was deleted from my computer. I also learned a lot about MS Publisher, which I hadn't even heard of before this class. I also learned a bit about cover letters and excel.

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